Link is a college that connects professionals from different areas, such as professors, academics, technology experts, and business professionals, to the world of entrepreneurship.


With a methodology focused on creating new businesses, our goal is to train entrepreneurs ready to change the world.

We believe that in order to prepare exceptional entrepreneurs, it is essential to empower them to identify opportunities, solve problems, develop solutions further, and have a positive impact on society.


Imagem ilustração para página DSC06062


Business Administration


4 years


Only 100 spots per semester


R$ 11.571,00 (JAN/24)




Full-time (in-person)



Legal Authorization of the Business Administration Course: Authorized by MEC Ordinance No. 184 on 06/24/2020, published in the DOU on 06/25/2020 (Accredited Institution awarded a grade 5. Business Administration course authorized with a rating of 5).

Imagem ilustração para página MatheusGuisso


Matheus Guisso, Marketing Professor 


"We went to the market to learnbefore teaching. Teaching, for us, is about creating, exchanging, walking side by side, and building together with the students."

View list of professors

How to Access the Country’s Largest Entrepreneurial Ecosystem? 

Imagem ilustração para página Cópia de DSC09194 Imagem ilustração para página Cópia de DSC06353 Imagem ilustração para página Cópia de DSC09322

Link creates more than entrepreneurs;
it creates agents of change!



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